Terms and conditions
Concepts, user account, application and use of the platform
1. General provisions

1.1. www.dipwork.com (hereinafter the Portal, Website, Platform) is a specialized internet platform which unites the construction sector in Scandinavia and in Lithuania.

1.2. Dipwork internet platform is for:
- Qualified construction workers from Lithuania who are searching for opportunities to get good job in Scandinavia.
- Construction companies from Scandinavian countries which are searching for qualified construction work specialists.

1.3. Portal services:
- Job board (construction workers who have registered on the Portal have the opportunity to constantly and for free see job offers in Scandinavian countries which are posted on this portal).
- The provision of information about job offers via SMS messages (construction workers who have registered on the Portal have the opportunity to get information about job offers simply via SMS messages).
- Submission of request regarding workers (the construction companies from Scandinavia who have registered on the Portal will have the opportunity to submit a request regarding the reception of workers with needed qualifications).

1.4. Only those who have registered and created a user‘s profile can fully use all of the Portal services. By registering and creating a user‘s profile you state and confirm that you have read all of the internal portal rules and you have committed to comply with them.

1.5. This User Agreement is an integral and inseparable part of the Rules.

1.6. Dipwork keeps the right at its own discretion to correct (including change, edit, supplement, cancel, terminate) this User Agreement or any part of it and any information related to it complying with the conditions determined in General provisions part.

1.7. Portal www.dipwork.com is owned by UAB Galminas Group, legal entity code – 305432903, address – Vytauto st. 27-21, Gargždai, LT-96127 Klaipėda district.

2. Concepts

The Concepts used in General provisions and other Rules documents and their annexes (starting with capital letter, except proper nouns) have specific meaning related to Portal services and other activities. The Portal/Website/Platform – specialized construction works website (www.dipwork.com).

Portal/Website/Platform services – are the services provided by the portal owner in the portal (Job board, the provision of information about job offers via SMS messages, the submission of request regarding workers).

User – natural or legal person who have registered on the portal and have become its full member.

Visitor – a person who have not registered on the portal.

User account – the personal profile created on the portal by the construction worker/ the profile created on the portal by the customer, the construction company from Scandinavia.

Customer – natural or legal person from Scandinavian countries who is searching for construction workers.

Construction worker – the construction works specialist from Lithuania who have registered on the portal.

Request – the electronic employee search form provided by the customer.

Sanctions – the penalties imposed by the Portal for violation of Rules.

Rules – are the defined rules, documents, provisions, liabilities, requirements and instructions provided on the Website or redirected from the Website.

Privacy policy – rules and requirements which determine the order for collecting, storing and using the information related to the Website and related to the Website services (including the information about Users).

Confidential information – is information which is not publicly available, which was in any form (written, electronically or other) provided to another User.

3. User account

3.1. If you wish to become a User and get access to Dipwork services and other services available on the Portal You (following the Portal usage order, Privacy policy provisions and other instructions available on the Portal) must register and create an account.

3.2. You are not allowed to register more than one Account without the written consent of the Website.

3.3. You must keep safe your login information, keep them confidential and not create conditions for the third persons to abuse the login information.

3.4. The User must inform the Dipwork administration about any unauthorized use of login data or the usage of Account which is known to him/her or he/she suspects that the login data became known to third persons.

3.5. You are not allowed to pass on the Account to third person without the written consent of the Website. You cannot allow the third person to login on the portal using your login information except when you work on behalf of the legal person and such rights to use the account information are given to the workers by the legal person.

3.6. You are fully responsible for the information and its accuracy provided in your Account.

4. The Usage of platform and user rights

4.1. The user of Dipwork internet platform has the right to use all of the portal services and published information.

4.2. The user of Dipwork internet platform is responsible for the content which he/she sends, publishes, and shows in his/her user account or in other information placements on the Portal. By confirming this agreement the User agrees that Dipwork in any way would not be responsible for the mentioned User‘s information content on the Portal.

4.3. You confirm that You have all rights related to Your published User‘s content.

4.4. You confirm and ensure that the usage of User‘s content according to this Agreement and Rules requirements and any rights to transfer the User‘s content to the Website will not violate any rights or legal interests of third persons.

4.5. You agree that by using the Website you may be influenced by other persons‘ User content which could be inaccurate, offensive, indecent, reprehensible, inappropriate or illegal. For any kind of loss or damage because of any User‘s content, which was published, sent, uploaded, posted, transferred, showed or provided in any other way or accessible on the Portal, the User who provided such content or who abused it is solely responsible. The Portal in any way is not responsible for loss or damage because of such User‘s content.

4.6. Dipwork administration has the right at any time to block the access to individual User‘s content or delete such content which does not comply with the requirements in these rules.

4.7. Dipwork keeps the right to fully or partially, temporarily or permanently restrict the access regarding the maintenance works, unexpected events or circumstances which cannot be controlled by the Portal.

5. Regarding the user‘s behavior

5.1. Any disrespectful, hostile behavior towards other visitors, customers, administration could be considered a serious violation of internal rules. The natural/legal person who violates the rules could be removed from the portal.

5.2. The purposeful provision of misleading, which does not correspond to reality, information while registering could be considered a serious violation of internal rules. The natural/legal person who violates the rules could be removed from the portal.

5.3. The provision of information not related to Your construction works services on the portal could be considered a serious violation of internal rules. The natural/legal person who violates the rules could be removed from the portal.

5.4. The provision of information not related to employee search of job search on the portal could be considered a serious violation of internal rules. The natural/legal person who violates the rules could be removed from the portal.

5.5. Job advertisements which do not correspond to reality could be considered a serious violation of internal rules. The natural/legal person who violates the rules could be removed from the portal.

5.6. It is strictly forbidden in the portal to manipulate other visitors, their information or services for criminal activities.

6. The Users‘ relation to Dipwork

6.1. This agreement, any registration on the Website or further usage of the Website will not be considered collaboration or agreement between the User and Dipwork on the basis of parthership or joined activity, unless it was clearly agreed to be different.

7. Safety

7.1. Dipwork administration always protects their clients‘ privacy, therefore the information about the collection of information about users and principles of use are clearly and transparently provided in this part.

7.2. For administration of the website purposes and to increase the traceability of dishonest users we may use the visitors‘ IP addresses. IP address – is the unique code identifying computer in networks. It can be used to identify visitor ad to collect various demographic information. An absolute majority of most internet servers’ administrators do that as well.

7.3. In the profile forms on Dipwork website You could be asked to provide personal information (for example, to indicate name, telephone number, e-mail address) and demographic information (for example, age or sex). This personal information could be used in case if we have to contact You necessarily. Demographic information also could be used applying the website to particular needs of the visitor by providing the content which was selected particularly according to his/her interests.

7.4. Links to other people‘s, companies‘, organizations‘ websites could be provided on Dipwork website. We note that Dipwork administration is not responsible for such internet websites‘ content and their used privacy ensuring principles. Therefore, on Dipwork website if you press a link and enter other websites, you should separately learn about their privacy policy.

8. Privacy policy

8.1. The Portal administration commits to secure and not disseminate to third persons users‘ private information without the consent of the users.

8.2. Information provided by users at the time of registration will be used in order to select proper workers for particular work place.

8.3. The user‘s information could be used for marketing purposes only with the consent of the user. The visual and textual information published by users become intellectual property of the Portal.

8.4. The Portal administration keeps the right to block and/or provide the malicious/vicious users‘ information to law enforcement if they caused damage, offended, discriminated on racial grounds or in any other way undermined the welfare of another user or property, and it was reported and confirmed by other and/or involved users.

8.5. The user of portal by registering agrees with the rules and privacy policy of the portal. For violation of them the user can be blocked and/or his/her information can be transmitted to interested persons in accordance with the procedure established by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania or to law enforcement for further investigation.

8.6. All intellectual rights are secured. Without the consent of the portal administration it is forbidden to copy, retrieve or use in any other way the content, appearance or functionality of the portal.

8.7. The portal administration keeps the right at any time to supplement and/or change the privacy policy provisions without warning the users.

9. Cookies policy

9.1. Cookie – is a small piece of data (Eng. File) which is downloaded to your computer or other device when you visit a website. When you visit our website we want to provide information and functions applied specially for You. Therefore, we need cookies. They help us recognize You as a previous visitor of the website, save Your visiting history in www.dipwork.com website and apply the content according to it. This way we can improve the website, make it more convenient for You. We use cookies transparently and responsibly. Which cookies we insert, You always can review in your Browser. Also, at any time You can cancel the consent to use cookies by changing the settings and turning of/deleting the downloaded cookies. If cookies are turned off, some functions in this website may not work.

10. Disputes

10.1. If You as a User (Customer or Construction worker) fail to fulfill the conditions and liabilities, you may get not only determined by this agreement sanctions, but also legal liability in accordance with the legal acts in force in the Republic of Lithuania and the European Union.
Note. Where the applicable mandatory provisions of the law determine otherwise, some or all of the limitations on liabilities or exceptions determined in this chapter could be non-applicable.

11. This agreement, user account usage, suspension, termination

11.1. This contract becomes valid from the moment the User account was created (registration) and is valid until You or Dipwork terminates the Contract according to conditions and rules of this chapter.

11.2. You have the right at any time to delete the User account or to terminate the Contract without indicating any reason. Such cancellation of the Account or termination of the Contract does not release You from fulfillment of obligations which appeared before the cancellation of the Account or termination of the Contract. If the Contract is cancelled properly and deleted, and Dipwork:
- continues to provide Website services which are necessary in order to end all of the started and not finished agreements between You and Dipwork and/or between You and other customers;
- You still have to pay all of the Payments and other unpaid amounts to Dipwork for any services received on the Platform, which occurred before termination of the Contract or the cancellation of the Account.

11.3. The website has the right at any time to warn, temporarily suspend, restrict, to suspend or cancel Your access to the Account for indefinite time or to refuse providing all or any services of the Website, to refuse registering You on the Website or cancel this Contract and take the necessary technical and legal measures if:
- You violate any provisions of this Contract or Rules;
- Dipwork suspects or finds out that You provided incorrect information; or that Your activities on the Website could lead to legal liability to Dipwork internet platform and (or) Your actions contradict Dipwork or third person‘s interests or the legal norms of the laws of the Republic of Lithuania;
- You have not logged in and (or) have not used in any other way your Account during past 3 (three) or more months.
Note. By confirming this contract (registering) You agree that Dipwork has the right to unilaterally decide regarding the application of this point or any other part of it. You commit to accept as legal and true any related to it decision made by Dipwork. This way, if Your account is cancelled or this contract is terminated for any other reason indicated on previous points You will not have the access to your data, messages, cases or other information which you had uploaded on the Website. Your information may be deleted. You agree that Website is not and never will be responsible for any losses you may experience if the Website will take any of the actions specified in this chapter of the Agreement.

12. Messages

12.1. The portal administration will contact Users via e-mails or other communication methods and channels you have selected and which are determined by Rules (internal messages on the website, SMS messages, contact calls).

12.2. The sent e-mail to Your indicated e-mail address, the telephone call or SMS message to the provided telephone number, the sent internal message to Your User Account on the Portal are considered successful delivery of information to the User.

12.3. Users must update the natural/legal person‘s personal contact information when they change (e-mail address, telephone number), also regularly read messages received on the Portal.

12.4. All of the addressed to the Portal and having legal force messages related to these Rules have to be in written form and delivered to us personally or by using such delivery means which allow to provide the evidence about the receipt.

13. Other provisions

13.1. At the time the portal will be updated users will be informed about new functions and other changes which are directly related to users‘ browsing on the portal convenience, functionality or security.

13.2. The portal administration keeps the right to change and/or supplement the user agreement rules without warning the users.

14. Contact information

UAB Galmina, director Mantas Galminas,
Statybininkų st. 12, Gargždai city, LT-96155, Klaipėda District Municipality,
+370 679 88 643