Staliaus darbai
Švedijoje, Geteborgo mieste
  • Plataus profilio staliaus darbai durų, langų montavimas, medinis karkasas, grindų dangos montavimas, stogo darbai, vidaus ir lauko apdailos darbai.
  • Suteikiame darbinius drabužius, įrankius, apmokame kelionę.
  • Gyvenamoji vieta nekainuoja.
  • Darbinimas lietuviškoje įmonėje.
  • Rotacija Švedijoje - 8 sav., Lietuvoje - 2 sav.
  • Number of working hours per day - 10
  • Work will be inside
  • Work will be outside
  • We will provide tools
  • Required fairness, punctuality, without bad habits
  • All social guarantees
2900 EUR/mo
staliaus darbų patirtis.
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Darius Galminas
Head of Recruitment
Plačiau apie staliaus darbus
Nuo 2017 m. Dipwork darbuotojai atlieka įvairius, vidaus ir lauko staliaus darbus Skandinavijos šalyse.
Tai viena populiariausių profesijų ne tik mūsų kompanijoje, bet ir visoje Skandinavijos statybų rinkoje.

Staliai dirbdami Dipwork projektuose statybų aikštelėse atlieka šiuos darbus:
- Langų bei durų montavimas,
- Grindų dangų (laminatas, parketas) montavimo darbai,
- Gipo bei gipso profilių montavimo darbai,
- Ventiliuojamo fasado montavimo darbai,
- Terasų montavmo darbai,
- Karkasinių, skydinių bei modulinių namų statyba,
- Įvairūs restauravimo, renovavimo darbai.
Other job offers
Darbai: metalo konstrukcijų montavimas, pagrinde darbas su masyviomis metalo konstrukcijomis, vėliau bus sandwich panelės, stogo montavimo darbai.
..see more
3500 EUR/mo
Darbai: komandos kuravimas / kontrolė daugiabučių namų statybos darbams ( betoninių elementų montavimas, betonavimas, armatūros rišimas ).
..see more
4000 EUR/mo
Darbai: trinkelių/akmenų klojimas, bortų dėjimas su visu pagrindu pasiruošimu ir darbų užbaigimu.
..see more
245 NOK/hr
Darbai: daugiabučių namų statyba, monolitas, sienų - perdangų statymas, armatūros rišimas, betonavimas.
..see more
3800 EUR/hr
Darbai: angarų statyba (gamyklos, parduotuvės, prekybos centrai) - metalinių elementų montavimas, sandwich panelės, skardos dėjimas, kiti paruošiamieji darbai.
..see more
3100 EUR/mo
Darbai: PERI/DOKA sistemos surinkimo darbai.
..see more
2900 EUR/hr


We make sure we pay on time.

Convenient workplace

We always take care of accommodation and travel.


Our goal is a satisfied employee. Management is available 24/7.
We have been recommended
Žydrūnas Jakštas, a construction worker with a wide range of skills and experience, has been working at Dipwork since September 2018. „I see it as a great company, and any person who is willing to work will definitely get on well with the team and the management“ - says Žydrūnas.
Žydrūnas Jakštas, a wide profile construction worker
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We have been recommended
„When we have assignment, we are committed to do our best.“ We are delighted that our staff are satisfied with their employment conditions and recommends us to their friends. We share the story of our employee Gediminas Cirtautas, who has been working with Dipwork since October 2018.
Gediminas Cirtautas, a carpenter
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We have been recommended
Dalius Jakaitis, a carpenter, admits that his first assignment to Scandinavia with Dipwork in September 2018 was just an attempt, but he is glad that he did the right choise. „That I am working here for this long means that everything has turned out fine,“ says Dalius, who is currently on his 9th business trip.
Dalius Jakaitis, a carpenter
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We have been recommended
As Artūras Albrikas says, everything is clear and simple with Dipwork. Artūras appreciates Dipwork for the stable salary, clear payment system which allows him to plan his budget, nevertheless it is important to have clear, simple and pleasant communication with Dipwork managers.
Artūras Albrikas, a painter
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We have been recommended
Šarūnas has been employed at Dipwork since the autumn of 2018. Initially, he worked in Lithuania for a few months, and then he started working in Sweden from the beginning of 2019. During these years, he went on six business trips, where he was mainly responsible for tile laying in newly built houses.
Šarūnas Vilička, a tiler
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We have been recommended
Žydrūnas Jakštas, a construction worker with a wide range of skills and experience, has been working at Dipwork since September 2018. „I see it as a great company, and any person who is willing to work will definitely get on well with the team and the management“ - says Žydrūnas.
Žydrūnas Jakštas, a wide profile construction worker
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We have been recommended
„When we have assignment, we are committed to do our best.“ We are delighted that our staff are satisfied with their employment conditions and recommends us to their friends. We share the story of our employee Gediminas Cirtautas, who has been working with Dipwork since October 2018.
Gediminas Cirtautas, a carpenter
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Completed projects
2017 - 2024
Join and become part of our team
Our company is constantly looking for qualified, motivated and ready for challenges specialists who could strengthen Dipwork's administration team. Join us!
Today open 6 positions:
Personalo specialistė
Personalo atrankos specialistas
Personalo atrankos skyriaus vadovas
Vadybos skyriaus vadovas